Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Secure Life. Awaits,

Here comes project 1.3! Using the concept of unlimited semiosis, I gathered images that centered around conflict, love, money, relationships, etc. From first sight, I fell in love with these images. I was hung up for a long time on using the crash test dummy image. I became hypnotized by its symbolism and disregarded the visual impact. The result, it got thrown out the window! The image of the couple begins a narrative about young love, the development of relationships, and how elements like money, and power can bring a relationship to shambles. The image of the cupid came a bit later. I think this image of a sneaky little cupid forcing people to love each other adds to the metaphor going on in the image. The crash symbol is still evident in the the dollar bill, as a symbol for the relationship crashing down. This was such an exciting project. I definitely struggled in the beginning, but came upon a much improved, resolved composition. I enjoy this image, so proud of myself! Love this stuff!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Alright, All aboard my train of thought... Get ready, crazy ride....

The word is "NAKEDNESS", yes "NAKEDNESS"

Flesh. Flash. Nude. Pale. God. Adam and Eve.
Men and Women. Sex. Fear. Zero. Model. Perfection. Birth. Death.
Acting. Theatre. Timeless. Nothing. Trees. Tires. Bare.
Innocence. Youth. Clean. Heat. Flame. Summertime.
Sun. Sparse. Swan. Dove. Clear. Glass. Back and White.
Alone. Dreams. Thought. Life. Without.

I could go on, and on and on....

Project 1.2, Complete

Yes, after first tries, and fails, this project is complete. To add to my Composition 1 line art image, I chose a classified add for bay adoption. I thought that it would add to the story my original image begins to weave. Yeah, alright. From the beginning my concept was to create a type image that conveys the action of Image 1. I wanted to use the text to imply the spiraling, tearing motion that I pictured the tiller to have upon its poor unsuspecting victims. My first few compositions were a helpful beginning to better ones to come. I've finally landed with the one you see above. The Large "L" and comma in the corners help to anchor the image and give it that WEIGHT that I was looking for. I used scale, and type style to highlight important words and phrases, and used the rest solely to create visual balance and unity.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Composition Complete: Project 1.1

Visual Literacy is based upon the study of Semiotics, which is to say, the study of signs, and communication, both individually and grouped. It focuses on how meaning is formed and understood about images and their context. Project 1.1 is an investigation of this basic idea. It delves into how value and meaning is formed by placing one image with another.

“Using 20 found pieces of line art from a variety of printed sources (newspaper, magazines, etc.) select 3 pairs of images. Use marker thumbnails and photocopied roughs to consider scale, placement, cropping and the effect of these formal decisions on image meaning and content.”

20 pieces of line art were found, and combined into many different groupings, each combination giving the image different value. Through group discussion and critique, we narrowed these images from our best three, to our Final Finished Composition.

My Final composition relays a message about relationships, "for better or for worse." Relationships are based upon a mutual love and respect for the other person. They are filled with ups and downs, good and bad. Based upon this common knowledge, this piece features an image of a couple in bed and a second image of simple garden roto-tiller. The image of the couple is comic book style, reminiscent of Roy Lichtenstein. The woman, the wife in this photo, is exhausted. Beside her, the husband implies a sense of worry, fear, exhaustion, and confusion. The other image is the roto-tiller. This simple gardening machine does what? It cultivates, mixes, promotes growth. However, this image of the tiller ironically doesn’t convey the message of a cultivator. Instead it implies a conflict that is tearing the couple apart. The roto-tiller has pointed blades that add to the feel of a struggle or fear that the first image exudes. This piece makes a statement about gender roles and how they affect relationships. It hints at the emotional, financial, social, and familial roles of men and women in society, and speaks to the idea that men are the providers while women clean, bear children, and care for the home. This image is a blatant play on the sexual and emotional relationships between men and women, and what happens to the home when things take a turn for the worst.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello, I'm here!

Hello, and welcome to Visual Literacy blog! This Blog will feature work and information pertaining to Visual Literacy and any visual arts topics we discuss. Stay tuned for more!